Selena Flowers and The Cursed Ruby Feature

When the Tide Turns… the Merblood Rises

◆ Beneath the waves, an ancient curse stirs…
◆ A young girl’s fate intertwines with a haunting legacy…
◆ A zombie mermaid hungers for more than flesh…
◆ In Madderly Bay, the ocean keeps its darkest secrets…

Selena Flowers thought moving to the sleepy seaside town of Madderly Bay was just another stop in her actress mother’s nomadic life. But when a chance encounter with a vengeful mermaid drags her into a hidden world of magic and malice, Selena discovers that fairy tales hold more than a grain of truth – and the monsters within them are far too real.

As Selena navigates the treacherous tides of her strange new home, she finds herself at the center of a centuries-old curse that binds her family to the merfolk’s bloody past. With a mysterious necklace as her only guide, Selena must confront a zombie mermaid’s twisted desires and uncover the shocking secrets lurking beneath Madderly Bay’s picturesque facade.

For in this coastal town, when the tide turns, the Merblood rises – and with it, an ancient evil that will stop at nothing to claim its rightful prize. Selena’s only hope lies in unlocking the power hidden within the cursed ruby… before the mermaid drags her down to the depths forever.

“Selena Flowers and the Cursed Ruby” is a tale of magic, courage, and the unbreakable bonds of family. It is a story that reminds us that even in our darkest hours, there is always a glimmer of hope.

…For in the Depths of Despair, a Hero Rises.

“This is an intriguing story that mixes myth with fantasy that also adds in a dash of horror. To say my interest was caught would be an understatement. I read the book relatively fast finishing in little under a day; each chapter just kept me going… I had to know more, see where it led. Not to mention the author taking two elements of zombies and mermaids, combining them seamlessly.”

Kim Dabbs

“The idea of mermaid zombies is genius and absolutely perfect for this age group. I got this to read with my niece (12) and she’s absolutely devouring it. The descriptions and overall “texture” of the narrative is immersive and exciting. My niece loves sharing her take on what’s happening in the story and now she’s even into drawing illustrations of what she imagines happening in the story. Super fun read – perfect for tweens who like reading fantasy and are looking for something fresh and exciting.”

Charley Clemens

Selena Flowers and the Cursed Ruby is a young adult mermaid novel that will appeal to lovers of paranormal romance, urban fantasy and supernatural folklore.

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About the author

Ella English is the delightfully witty British author and illustrator who hopped across the pond from London to Baltimore, where she now conjures up charming children’s books full of imagination and mirth.

Ella left behind the whimsy of England for a taste of American adventure. Trading afternoon tea for latte to go, this clever Brit began dreaming up tales brimming with talking animals, magical mishaps, and daring kids on epic quests.

With a sprinkle of humor and lots of heart, Ella’s stories enchant young readers looking for a fun escape. Her plucky heroines, daring heroes, and lovable creatures lead the way through hilarious hijinks and thrilling exploits.

When she’s not busy spinning yarns or bringing characters to life with colorful illustrations, you can find Ella strolling Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in search of inspiration. She soaks up the sights and sounds of this captivating city by the sea, always on the lookout for magical new story ideas.

So if you’re looking for entertaining, imagination-sparking children’s books, check out the latest delightful world from Ella English. This whimsical Brit is charming young readers in America one delightfully fun tale at a time.

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