After Halastaesia Cover Reveal

After Halastaesia

Author: Janina Franck
Cover Designer: Ali Lawson (
Genre: YA fantasy
Reveal Date: June 19, 2024
Release Date: September 24, 2024

Book Description:

What if you were summoned to save another world… and then you were sent back?

Ben’s return from a realm of fantasy leaves him stranded in a world that no longer feels like home.
As he grapples with the disbelief of those around him, he clings to the fading echoes of his heroic past.
But as reality closes in and doubts multiply, Ben is left with a chilling realization: perhaps he was never a hero at all.

About the author:

Once upon a time, Janina was born in the Black Forest in Germany. Growing up there, she shared a room with many of her bookish friends, and by that, shall we say, they were the paper and ink kind. Her imagination spurred by her environment and choice in company, she began writing at a young age.

Later on, she moved to the emerald isle of legends and myths, Ireland, where she completed her basic education, as well as studying Modern Languages and Multimedia. While her surroundings changed, her desire to create stories did not, which she now pursues across various types of media, while travelling to quench her thirst for new impressions and adventures.

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